On the road

Even while I am running like a mother during the day, I take time to notice the beauty of my surroundings. Life is busy, for everyone. So, no matter who you are or where you are, stop for just a second, and look around. You may be surprised by what you see.

Here are just a few of the things I have seen during my runs.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I ran 6 miles today. It is a beautiful fall day - the temperatures are in the mid-50s and the colors are at their peak. These are the days that carry us through the long winters of Michigan. These are the days the Californians envy. I had to take advantage of the outside temperatures and run. I convinced my friend in the neighborhood to watch my children. I towed them over to her house. They played while I ran. When I returned to collect my children, I found my three-year-old son with sopping wet pants. He was drenched. My worst suspicions were proven true when I felt his bottom, he still had his pants on, and found no diaper. He had it on when I dropped him off. So, my question was and still is, "Where is the diaper?" Oh, and sorry Nikki for the pee pee spot on Conor's, her 3-year-old son, floor.

I just hope she will watch the kids again so I can run!

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