On the road

Even while I am running like a mother during the day, I take time to notice the beauty of my surroundings. Life is busy, for everyone. So, no matter who you are or where you are, stop for just a second, and look around. You may be surprised by what you see.

Here are just a few of the things I have seen during my runs.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Can someone please tell me why, on some days, your legs feel like they weigh a ton during your run, and to complete just one mile is so taxing that you begin to wonder if you are pregnant, again! And, on other days you feel like Forest Gump and you continue running forever. It makes no sense because on the days where I keep going, I usually leave the house tired and telling myself that I'll just run a few. Hours later I return to the concerned look on husband's face tied with his comment of, "We almost sent the search team."

Well, today was one of those days. A day where I could have run forever, despite only sleeping five hours last night and waking up with an itty bitty hang-over. The sad thing is I get a hang-over if I consume more than one alcoholic drink; I had three glasses of wine last night - way over my limit. But, I had to run. It is the weekend and the only time where I have a built-in babysitter - my husband, although he is not a babysitter since he is Dad! Anyways, I put my clothes on, including my hat because there was a light drizzle, and I set out to do just a few, maybe three miles. I kept going, and without feeling the effort I completed 9 miles. Maybe I should drink more often.

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