On the road

Even while I am running like a mother during the day, I take time to notice the beauty of my surroundings. Life is busy, for everyone. So, no matter who you are or where you are, stop for just a second, and look around. You may be surprised by what you see.

Here are just a few of the things I have seen during my runs.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

So, I am a few days behind recording my training. Most of my runs have been on my treadmill this week, so I am sparing you all my mind-wandering, mind-numbing thoughts that even I try to escape but can't, since my mind is connected to my head and my head to my body. So, you are pretty lucky to miss the madness.

Anyway, this is what I did:

7 miles on Monday
7 miles on Tuesday
7 miles on Thursday
8 miles on Saturday
6 miles on Sunday

Saturday was my only outside run. I could have run longer but my husband was watching our two kids and my 3-month-old nephew who we have been babysitting this weekend. As I left the house the look of terror washed over his face. He actually called in reinforcement, a neighborhood buddy to assist, so I learned hours after my return. Here is the funny thing - my nephew, who let me remind you again is only 3-months-old, doesn't walk, crawl, talk, or even roll. How much trouble can an immobile infant get into. But, his look got my imagination going. When I was four miles away I envisioned the worst: my son jumping on my daughter's face; my daughter poking my nephews eyes out and my son falling down the stairs. I sped home as fast as I could and tore through the door. Relief! Everyone was where I left them - safe and sound. Well, not really sound but safe, nonetheless.